Thursday, December 17, 2009

I can haz napsack?

So I have discovered snow and it wasn't as horrifying as I expected. It actually tastes quite yummy. That wasn't so bad but this afternoon at my new dog park I was shaking so bad. This was only my third day there and I don't think I like all the barking, so maybe that's why I shivered. But I wanted to go, so we came home and Mamma put a jacket on me and we went back out to the other park with no dogs. I felt warm and toasty as I followed smells, but something was not quite right. The jacket is a little big, it was Chino's but she's letting me use it. It was still comfy, it kept me toasty, and wait-
What is this awesome compartment for holding things on my back.? This may be the coolest thing I have encountered, like ever. I plan on filling it with toys, and balls, and yummy goodness treats, and sticks. All the cool sticks I find at the park. I will even carry stuffs for Mamma if she wants, like more dog treats. I haz a napsack.

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