I went to Vermont this weekend for my first vacation. Everyone was uber impressed with my good manners. The moment we got there I ran upstairs to check it out, then downstairs to look all around. I didn't even realize that I didn't know where my Ma was. I was so comfortable here, and so excited. It rained the entire first day we were there, but that was okay because I was kinda pooped from the long car ride. Everything was so green, and moss was everywhere. Mamma thought it was so pretty.
The next morning we got up super early and went on a long walk with a million new smells and sounds. My cousin Sam was with me too, and we played tag for a bit. He's usually too fast for me.
After the sun came all the way up I got a new crunch bone. It was really good but I mostly just ran all around the house with it showing everyone. I think they were real jealous.
Everyone thought I was awesome so I got tons of belly rubs and treats. I had sausage for the first time and it was delicious. I didn't mind staying close to the house because everything was so fun to smell and explore. The weather was beautiful, and there was always a cool breeze so I took many cat naps outside and snored my asses off to everyone's amusement.
One time we found this cool flower:
I slept on Mamma's lap most of the way home while she read and before I knew it we were home!
I went to my bed almost immediately and slept real sound all night.
I wish we could go back today, but Ma said no. So instead we are going to the beach where there are no scary rattlesnakes. We'll go back soon though, I can't wait!
<3 Rocks; our ultimate goal